By Study and Also By Faith

An LDS (Mormon) blog representing a search for knowledge, understanding, and wisdom.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

A Few Health-Related Websites

In connection with my previous post ("Same Song, Different Verse"), I thought I'd put up a few websites to get you started and let you see some of what's out there. You can also find lots of material at the library, so you can do quite a bit of research without having to spend a lot of money. National Institutes of Health A site debunking myths A medical site that lets you look up various symptoms, conditions, etc. Website of the health magazine

Do a search on any particular condition you want to learn more about. They may have a national organization providing information. Also, look for sites with forums--you can then discuss the condition with others who have it or who have a loved one with it. This can help with information and support, both.

There are all sorts of websites, books, magazines, etc. You can figure out which ones seem sensible and reliable. I am just starting this myself and would advise you what I advise myself--use more than one source! This will help you confirm what's true or false and help you decide which sources are best.

I am not a doctor, nor do I play one on TV. All I want to do is encourage you to learn what you can about your health and take an active role in getting healthy and staying healthy. After all, managing our bodies is a stewardship.



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