By Study and Also By Faith

An LDS (Mormon) blog representing a search for knowledge, understanding, and wisdom.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004

Well, That's Disheartening!

I just typed an incredibly clever post for my blog and it just disappeared! As sure as I try to recreate it, the original will show up and I'll have two saying basically the same thing. So rather than have that happen, you will just have to imagine what I wrote!

Ah, computers! They are wonderful and they give us headaches--all at the same time.

One thing I did touch on in the Post That Disappeared is Alma 5 and the mighty change of heart. I love that chapter in the Book of Mormon! One can give oneself an evaluation interview by answering all the questions in that one chapter. It speaks of having the countenance of God. I think that is a wonderful thought. As we grow in the gospel and in doing good and righteous works, we will become more and more like our Heavenly Father. We will experience the mighty change of heart that signals true conversion. What a wonderful goal for ourselves!

There are so many things in the scriptures that teach us about life and what is good and what we should strive for. No matter what questions we have or what might be troubling us, we can seek the answers in the scriptures and, what is more, we can find them!

I think that the biggest stumbling block for me is applying what I learn. It is only the first step to learn the gospel. We must go on to apply it to our lives. We must do our part. We must have the faith to act. To act and not be acted upon.

I suppose that I am just as bad as my computer! I lose things--the ideas, the motivation, the determination. Still, the scriptures also talk about persistence and diligence, so that is what I will do--persist and be diligent.

I still haven't figured out how to keep from scattering myself among so many interests. I know I need to set priorities and goals, but even then, I don't want to leave anything out. The struggles of human life!

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Blogger Peggy Snow Cahill said...

I think I could almost imagine what you posted....;)
I recently posted something on the subject of "the mighty change of heart" and like everything I post, it is more for my own good that I read and post what I do.
And as for the computer losing your stuff, I am always concerned about that, so I try to remember to copy it and paste it to Word, before hitting the publish button.
So good to see you posting, you are always a breath of fresh air!

6:19 PM  

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