Cooler Weather at Last!
I took a vacation day today and, dang it! The lawn maintenance men are all over the apartment complex, wafting grass clippings and pollen into the air like crazy. Well, wafting isn't the right word--try blowing at top speed.
Still, I feel happy these days. I really was feeling drained and worthless by the hot weather, even though I spent most of my time in the air conditioning. I grew up without any air conditioning and we managed just fine. We get spoiled. Plus I was a lot younger and more resiliant then!
I didn't even feel much like reading for awhile there. That is truly an indication of how run down I felt. Reading is my life!
Has anyone read any good books lately? Would you like to tell us about them here? Please do!
I've been reading some politically conservative books (Sean Hannity, Ann Coulter, Bernard Goldberg) and an introductory book about yoga. I've also been reading in The Lost Language of Symbolism by Dr. Alonzo L. Gaskill (on which I wrote a brief review here). Last night I spent some time poking around in my 1999 CDs of GospeLink. There are tons of interesting LDS books on there, plus some classic literature. I also have the 1999 infobase. Some duplicates and some not. The trouble is, I like to have a book to hold in my grubby little hands, with pages to turn and room to scribble in the margins. You can make notes and bookmarks and highlights in the CD programs, but it just isn't the same.
I need to do some housecleaning. Literally. Enjoy your day!
Labels: personal reflection