By Study and Also By Faith

An LDS (Mormon) blog representing a search for knowledge, understanding, and wisdom.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Institute Manuals Online

Many of you probably already know that the LDS Church Institute manuals are online at the CES website. Still, it's worthy of mention because the manuals cover the scriptures and other important topics such as marriage and church history and family history.

One manual that has been helpful to me is Religion 150: The Gospel and the Productive Life. It gathers together some good advice from scriptures and from church leaders on getting one's act together. I also like Religion 430-431: Doctrines of the Gospel. It was recommended to me by grasshopper, for those who remember when he used to blog.

I have paper copies of a number of the manuals and have always enjoyed studying from them. The manuals covering the scriptures offer background and explanations that can help enhance scripture study.

I wanted to mention these resources because they are good for study or reference. Even if you took the Institute classes when you were in college, you might enjoy working through them again. Or using them to prepare talks or lessons or blog posts.

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Blogger S'mee said...

I enjoy having and using the manuals in our home library. For some reason I ordered all the manuals I could get my hands on a few years back and have never regretted that!

11:00 PM  
Blogger T. F. Stern said...

I recently purchased the scriptures on CD from the church distribution center even though I have access to this via the internet. I'm not sure how to explain it other than "ownership" makes something more useful since there's an investment in it.

1:07 PM  
Blogger Mary A said...

s'mee, these do make a great addition to a home library, don't they? I like having paper copies to write notes in, for one thing.

T.F., I think you're right about the "ownership" thing. Perhaps, too, we feel like things are more available to us if we aren't depending on the internet to be up and running!

I like having materials available to research and learn.

1:18 PM  

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